Stretches Adductor Activation Adductor Foam Roll 1 Adductor Foam Roll 2 Ankle Traction Ankle Proprioception (Beginner) Ankle Proprioception (Advanced) Banded Lunge Banded Row Banded Scapula Retractions Calf Stretch Cat Cow and QL Stretch Erector Spinae Ball Release 2 Face Pulls Figure of 4 Glute Stretch Figure of 4 Glute Stretch (seated) Forearm Stretch Hamstring Stretch Hip External Rotation Hip Internal Rotation Hip Stretch 1 Hip Stretch 2 Knee Extensions Knee Hugs Lastissimus Dorsi Stretch Lastissimus Dorsi Foam Roll Levator Scapulae Stretch Overhand Band Pullaparts Prone Scapula Activation Psoas Stretch Quadriceps Foam Roll Passive Shoulder Ext Rotation Scalene Stretch Scapular Retractions Spider Lunge V1 Spider Lunge V2 Thoracic Extension Foam Roll Thoracic Foam Roll Thoracic Mobility Thread the Needle Hip External Rotation Erector Spinae Ball Release 1 Childs Pose